Sometimes, you want to build an app where you can increase a certain number in your data by 1 or more. Maybe to add a +1 vote, or to add +1 inventory to a certain item.
Alternatively, maybe you want to decrease the stock by 1, or maybe by 5.
Using a Google Sheet request, you can use the special Increment and Decrement Dynamic Variables:
Increment the Record ID value by 1
{{ }}
Decrement (decrease) the Record ID value by 5
{{ record.inventory.decrement.5 }}
The formula for this variable is simple, and broken into 4 parts, separated by 3 periods:
1. Data source (record, in this case)
2. Field (inventory, in this case)
3. Action (decrement or increment)
4. Amount (the amount to increase or decrease by).
When creating a Google Sheet action, you can just the variable like this:
This example would take the value of the 'inventory' column for this specific row that was clicked and increase the value by 1.
For more information about Dynamic Variables, read the full article here.