For a fully branded experience, you can customize the default content and 'sending from' email that are used in your app's Forgot Password email.
Editing The Forgot Password Email Content
In the admin Settings page, scroll down to the Authentication section and find the 'Forgot Password Email Content' setting:
When you click on 'Edit Rich Text', you'll see the visual editor where you can create some basic formatting and content for you email. You can use the 'user' dynamic variables to pull user fields as shown in the screenshot:
Valid user fields are first_name, last_name, email, and any custom user fields you have configured.
Editing Forgot Password 'Sending From' Email
In the admin Settings page, find the Support Email field in the first section:
Email Logo & Link
Your main app 'logo' will automatically be added to the start of the final email, as well as the login link added to the bottom, below your custom content: