Type: Data Display
CSS Enabled: โ
Use the Calendar block to show important dates in your app fetched directly from the date values in your data. Use to also record new records right from your app!
Notable Settings
Select the spreadsheet to display in your Block.
Click here to read the full article on Block Spreadsheets
Date Settings
Event Label
Select the spreadsheet column to display as the event label in the calendar view.
Start Date (required)
Select the spreadsheet column that stores the start date of your event. To ensure correct functionality, please store your dates in the following format:
2023-05-11 (YYYY-MM-DD)
If your date includes a 'time' as well, then the format should be:
2023-05-11 14:00:00 (YYYY-MM-DD HH MM SS)
Click here to read the full article on Date Formatting
End Date (optional)
Select the spreadsheet column that stores the end date (optional). If no end date is defined, only start date will be used, and events will not have a 'duration'.
When a specific date in the calendar is clicked, any 'Events' on that day are displayed in a white card. You can customize this card using the settings described below.
Since Grid, Kanban and Calendar all share the same Card settings, please click here to view the full article on Card Settings
Visible Filters
Give users the ability to filter the data in your Table with select dropdowns and other input fields.
Click here to read the full article on Visible Filters
Hidden Filters
If you need to limit the data a user can see in your app based on who is logged in, you can create a Hidden Filter using custom user fields.
With this simple feature, you can build a dynamic application that shows different data to different users, while keeping all data in a single sheet.
Example: Your company has three distinct teams accessing the same page, but you want them to only view the records that relate to their team.
Click here to read the full article on Hidden Filters
Record Click Action
Define the functionality for when a user clicks on a specific record (row) in your Table. There are 4 options: Default Detail View, Custom Detail View, Custom Action, and None (no action).
Click here to read the full article on Record Click Action
Custom Action
When you choose the 'Custom' Record Click Action, you will see the Custom Click Action setting, allowing you to define a custom action to be triggered when a specific record (row) in your Table is clicked.
Click here to read the full article on Custom Actions
Show Create Action
If enabled, a button will appear in the top right corner of your Block container, allowing users to trigger a 'Create New Record' view where they can add new records to the spreadsheet linked to this block. Newly created records will appear in the Block immediately once created.
Row Actions
Define multiple custom actions to appear in a dropdown menu in each Table row.
Click here to read the full article on Custom Actions
Note: You can use the {{record.Field}} dynamic variable to reference the updated field value or any row value on that record.