Type: Data Display
CSS Enabled: β
The Kanban is a standard status-based visual interface used typically in project management scenarios. The Kanban allows users to visually drag-and-drop cards from one 'column' to another to update it's status, based on your settings.
Notable Settings
Select the spreadsheet to display in your Block.
Click here to read the full article on Block Spreadsheets
Column Field
Select the spreadsheet column to use for 'splitting up' your data into columns in the Kanban board. When users drag and drop items from one column to another, the value in this spreadsheet column will be updated for that record.
Define the columns in your Kanban board, based on real values from your spreadsheet Column that you selected for the 'Column' setting. It's critical that these two settings line up, which is why we auto-generate the 'Columns' values whenever you change the 'Column' setting.
The Kanban block displays records in white white visual cards which can be dragged and dropped into other columns. Since Grid, Kanban and Calendar all share the same Card settings, please click here to view the full article on Card Settings.
Visible Filters
Give users the ability to filter the data in your Table with select dropdowns and other input fields.
Click here to the full article on Visible Filters
Hidden Filters
If you need to limit the data a user can see in your app based on who is logged in, you can create a Hidden Filter using custom user fields.
With this simple feature, you can build a dynamic application that shows different data to different users, while keeping all data in a single sheet.
Example: Your company has three distinct teams accessing the same page, but you want them to only view the records that relate to their team.
Click here to read the full article on Hidden Filters
Record Click Action
Define the functionality for when a user clicks on a specific record (row) in your Table. There are 4 options: Default Detail View, Custom Detail View, Custom Action, and None (no action).
Click here to read the full article on Record Click Actions
Note: The default detail view is where you can toggle your user's ability to move the cards in your Kanban board to new columns. To restrict all users from doing this, simply disable "Allow Editing Records" from Permissions.
To limit certain users from being able to move Kanban cards, click here to learn about Create, Edit and Delete record Permissions.
Custom Action
When you choose the 'Custom' Record Click Action, you will see the Custom Click Action setting, allowing you to define a custom action to be triggered when a specific record (row) in your Table is clicked.
Click here to read the full article on Custom Actions
Show Create Action
If enabled, a button will appear in the top right corner of your Block container, allowing users to trigger a 'Create New Record' view where they can add new records to the spreadsheet linked to this block. Newly created records will appear in the Block immediately once created.
Move Action
Configure an action that's triggered by the movement of a Kanban card from one column to the next.
Note: You can use the {{record.Field}} dynamic variable to reference the updated field value or any row value on that record.
Click here to learn more about our various Data Sources.
Use these settings to enable or disable visibility of the block depending on the user group or the condition / set of conditions you've configured.
Click here to learn more about Display Conditions.
Set permissions for your users using conditions to determine who can create, delete or edit records on this block.
Click here to learn how to set up Create, Edit and Delete Record Permissions.
Save as Custom Block
Click to save the configuration of your block and re-use it anywhere else you'd like in your app.
Click here to learn more about Custom Blocks.